Author Archives: jennifer

more days…

so in my food update (as if the details of what I eat are important) – on friday jeremy found local smoked trout – so exciting! so we had goat cheese and trout quesadillas – they were fabulous! tilly loved them too.

on saturday afternoon we drove to Grand Junction (GJ). Palisade, GJ, Fruita – the area is piled high

with homegrown fruits, vegetables and wine. we spent most of sunday driving from farmstand to orchard to vineyard – tasting and talking and buying things. it was so fun! we bought tons of fruits and veggies (so cheap compared to here of course).

we picked out this homemade apple pie – i assume the flour isn't local, but the pie looked too good to ask.

i bought a whole box of pears – hoping that i'll can them.

and today we found salt from utah – also very exciting!

we ate non-local food while away…fudge never tasted so good…

birthday crafting

so my dad turned 60 yesterday – happy birthday dad!!!

we were lucky enough to have him visit last weekend to celebrate his birthday. i was pretty unsure what to get him for such a big day, since i suspect he has most things he wants or needs. so i came up with the idea of creating a scrapbook where each family member who was interested made a page. i think the idea worked really well.

i have a standard size i make for large photo albums – about 15" wide x 11" tall. so i used one of those book board covers. i ordered large pieces of cardstock from paper source and cut them down to be the inside pages. i used two shades of green and two shades of blue. then i packed each one into a big envelope (with a piece of cardboard to keep it flat), really

open directions for things you could do to your page, and a return label to me. i sent one out to each family member who 'e'd me back that they wanted to participate.

everyone was really good about getting their pages back in time – which helped. i also designed the book to be held together with screw posts so that i could open and close the binding at any time to add pages. i took a shot of each page as it came back – that way

everyone who participated got a sense of what the whole book looked like. i posted all the images on my flickr account.

my dad had a great time looking through the book. some people wrote out stories, a bunch of us decorated with photos, one of my cousins wrote a story and made him a CD with music – the pages were really personal and i think it was a pretty gift.

image sharing

these are the beans from last nights soup. they're really beautiful. this picture may become familiar – it's day three and i think jeremy is about to start a blog. i guess i'll have to let him have first pick of the images – since he's taking them. or start taking my own.

i should note that we allowed ourselves a few things – the first thing being coffee. we've cut out diet coke so keeping the coffee seemed necessary. we are drinking locally roasted coffee – like steaming bean from this morning i drank a lot of coffee with the new local milk.

for lunch jeremy turned the corn and potato soup into a cream soup with some milk and goat cheese – so good!

we both continue to snack on our new favorite corn tortillas with honey, cheese, apples or peanut smush.

for dinner we had eggs and hash browns. pretty typical but all local – the hash browns were outstanding. whatever jeremy did was awesome!

new friend

it feels like we have a lot going on right now – even though I can definitely feel the more relaxed days of fall. it's so cool out today and the leaves are really starting to turn. this is my favorite season.

so the main new big thing is that we got a bunny – or I should say that Tilly got a much belated birthday bunny. she's a Netherland Dwarf. she's really beautiful, small and super soft. Tilly is absolutely in love with her. She wraps her in a blankie and pushes her around in her baby doll stroller.

when we asked her what she wanted to name the bunny – without missing a beat – she said 'Catcher' – which is the nickname of the cat we lost a year ago to a coyote. it was the sweetest moment  – i thought we were all going to cry. i know she's my kid – but she's a pretty amazing kid.   

day two

so it's day two of eating local…

this morning i made some version of homemade peanut butter with honey and we had that on apples. it was pretty good. tilly loved the 'peanut honey smush' as we're calling it. (we aren't limiting her food to the local thing – i'm not that prepared)

for lunch we had thinly sliced potatoes sauteed with goat cheese on top. that was delish!

and for dinner jeremy made 10 bean soup (we bought the bag of beans at farmer's market the other week) with tomatoes. the soup was excellent. i love soup with a lot of beans.

so the day was good especially with the perks from clark's. i snacked on a corn tortilla toasted with goat cheese and honey. with so little bread it's easy to snack on this kind of food all day.     

jeremy set up a little photo studio in the garage to take some pictures of the food. this is his shot of the tomatoes as he was setting up his lights today. so – most of the photos will be his, and of course, the cooking too!

good finds

Jeremy had to go into town today and stopped at Clark's. He found that they carried a bunch of local foods – so exciting!

Olathe corn tortillas, Broomfield eggs, Sedalia ghee and  Eaton goat's milk, New Castle basil, Longmont goat cheese, Colorado Spring's regular milk, Wellington onions, Brighton potatoes, Alamosa mushrooms and Hotchkiss apple juice – all from Colorado.

Even the cat was interested.


fall has started here – the oaks are turning (fast!), we're wearing jeans and socks, and we're only eating local food…

this local bit isn't usually a part of the fall but Jeremy was so intrigued by this book, and September is the 'Eat Local Challenge' for a bunch of different groups – so we're trying

today was our first day (we had company over the weekend and we decided not to subject other people to our plans when we weren't sure how it was going to go yet)

i ate lots of little food all day today – local applesauce, blood plums, apples, ground local peanuts, goat cheese from the farmer's market.

for dinner Jeremy made corn and potato soup and we had sliced pears and cheese. next time we're downvalley we'll be able to pick-up local eggs, butter and milk.

it's been a day but i am keenly aware that i had no bread products.

it's been interesting to be so aware of my food.

first full site!

It's funny how it happened without a lot of fanfare…

Last week I launched my first real site. It's been in the works forever and we finally got to a place where we realized we would keep updating and no one would ever see it if we didn't make it live.

So the 212 Gallery website is up and running for public consumption.

It was very collaborative – the head of the gallery has such a vision that we worked very hard together to come up with something pretty amazing (I think!).

It's been an exciting summer!

street art

Whenever someone links to random art you can find in your daily life I find that I'm drawn to it. I love the idea that you'd be walking down the street and see these little spots of color! (from roxana)


so the other amazing thing that happened the past couple weeks is that tilly taught herself how to swim just by watching her friend kendall. It's been amazing watching her diver for rings and throw herself into the water. she's been having the most fun!

still summer

Tilly and I got free tickets to the Rodeo tonight. (Jeremy had a sunset photoshoot he had to do.) It was kind of nice to put our jeans and boots on. It always feels kind of good late in the summer.

Tilly was so excited to do the calf scramble. She ran out there brave as anything with all the big kids and never even looked back for me. She was so fun to watch!

new favorite super hero…

There's no need to fear Underdog is here!

Tilly is in love with Underdog. So we ordered this red sweater to stitch a big white "U" on. (She's thinking about being Underdog for Halloween – or a princess mermaid butterfly.)

Looks pretty good since she seems to have a bad guy on the TV waiting for her super powers!  

new favorite thing!

So in our extra summery last two weeks we also purchased a trail-a-bike for Tilly. I was fairly sure that we were going to return it – she hated going fast on her tricycle, she's not very big for her age, blah, blah, blah – but SHE LOVES IT!

And we love it. We have the most fun riding together.

Tilly and I ride back and forth to school most days. We go for family rides to the park, pool, just downhill anywhere. Pulling an extra 60 pounds (Tilly plus the trailer) up and down our hills can be lung-burning, but it's SO WORTH IT!

(Tonight was the first night we had the extra bracket for Jeremy's bike so now he can join in the uphill fun!)

summer (as always)

i thought the first two months of summer – were the most 'summery' summer we've had, but the last 12 days have been full of summer! i'll have to catch you up… last weekend I went on a hike from Crested Butte to Aspen with a bunch of friends. It was great to hike, hike over a pass, and spend the night away. We had so much fun.

Jeremy and Tilly played all weekend – they saw two movies, bought toys and treats at target, saw shawn colvin in concert…

small crafts

forever ago – like 3 months – Tilly turned 4 years old. For her birthday we took Tilly and her two best friends on an all day adventure. Instead of traditional goody bags, as a way to collect their stuff over the day, Tilly and I made each of them a monogrammed backpack. These were so easy and fun to make. It was a great project for the two of us. The girls were so thrilled that day to put all their goodies in their bags (and it made for a little less chaos in the car).


we love tea parties at our house. (i think the pots of tea and cupcakes every night over the winter may explain why my summer jeans don't fit like last year.)

Tilly had Charlie over for tea party today. She moved the table herself, got the rug in place – everything to make a nice spot for tea. I bet they drank and ate for 30 minutes…It was so sweet (until it all fell apart into our usual chaos – cheetos in the tea for brew, milk dripping off her forehead and chasing and whooping around the table in circles…i assume this is much more typical 4 year old behavior)


There's Tilly in the tent. We took her camping for the first time last night. Who knows why it really took us so long.

The funny thing about where we live is that we were only about 25 minutes from our house. She can get car sick and we thought for the first time we didn't want to make the trip about driving (and possibly puking).

So, like camping goes, it rained most of the time. The evening talk was cancelled and we couldn't start a fire. I brought way too much food so we ate and colored in the tent all night. We had a great time. Now she wants to go for two nights!