My 1st cherry pie. All Colorado cherries.
Monthly Archives: June 2008
so many flowers!
free with purchase
so we had to start our garden over. as i am not a very good gardener – i killed every seedling tilly and i grew. no biggie – – we come from the line of judi – we just buy replacements!
so we bought two tomato plants, a red pepper, tilly picked out strawberries although i'm sure i'll kill those.
and yesterday we bought a few flowers to kill including a pink geranium.
as i was re-potting the geranium i noticed something moving – i assumed it was a worm – and jumped a little – and then i saw it was a snake! then i screamed a little. tilly and i spent the next half hour trying to get it to crawl into a jar. thank goodness jeremy came home. he picked it up and put it in the jar so tilly could show all her friends. he wanted to know why i didn't pick it up – are you serious?
with warm days finally here – and snow free trails – we rode our bikes to basalt yesterday. jeremy had tilly on the trail-a-bike attached to his bike. i was lucky enough just to be pedaling for myself (although i was still way behind.)
we took a couple breaks where tilly ate and drank. it took us about 2 hours and we rode straight to sunday breakfast at wienerstube.
it was a fabulous morning!