At school
Monthly Archives: September 2008
L’shana tova
thank god for sarah silverman!
A whole box of Honey
almost a plan…
Ice Cream on the way to Apple Picking
i'm loving the way the packaging for ferenc berko's photos (calendar, cards, etc…) looks like the original ilford boxes!
back in the swing…
so i'd like to get back to blogging (i think i've said that before).
we're eating local again this month. and i see it took me almost a year to read that last book. i just finished it last night and i'm about to start this one.
i'm definitely fascinated by food – growing, gathering, farmer's market…
we've been a little looser with our 'eating local' rules this year. not a ton – but some. we found flour from montana so i've been baking this year. having muffins has been a huge help!