Monthly Archives: November 2007

two sites

I had two sites go live today. Both still a bit in progress, but sometimes it gets easier to work with the real thing.

Sam Wiener is an artist from New York who had a residency at Anderson Ranch years ago.He was visiting this summer and we started work on his website.

The other site is Jeremy's. He hasn't even really looked through it yet, but he needed to have a website up. He was lucky enough to have Men's Journal and Qantas airlines contact him the past couple weeks without there really being a way to find him. It still has some tweaks to work out, but  I think it looks good!

holiday baking

tilly and i don't care that it's only november 11 (and that channukah is soon) – we are on to christmas baking.

yesterday we made homemade popcorn balls. pretty easy, fun and yummy. the recipe was from martha. from the way tilly and i talk of her you would think she was a close friend. we left the raisins out of the recipe (in popcorn balls, yuck!) and i added salt. i would actually add more salt if we made them again. the salt and the sweet were the best bites.

today we made snowmen and stocking cookies with holes cut out to melt candy canes in them. they are pretty delish. we decided the stockings were polka dotted and the snowmen had belly buttons. i could eat too many of these!

nice day

well…it was warm enough at least. Tilly really wanted the outdoor pool so we swam there this afternoon. We would run from the regular pool to the hot tub – get too hot – run back – get cool – run back. It was fun. We really love our pool. 


(such the late post)

Tilly had an awesome Halloween! She ran from house to house trick-or-treating, barely caring about where we were except to give us a candy report about what she got.

Our only problem is that she's so polite – she only takes 1 piece of candy from any house. It takes a long time to fill a halloween bucket big enough for her and me!

new life


So two weeks later…we bought Dance Dance Revolution for our Wii…so much fun! It's like dancing, having fun and exercising. 

We had to do something – I've made a fresh loaf of bread every other day for the past two weeks. If we keep this up we'll have to purchase our own wheat field (..and mill) soon!