Monthly Archives: November 2006
using my moo cards
new fun stuff
I received my batch of mini moo cards yesterday – I love them! I picked about 30 – 40 images so I got 2 – 3 of each image with my blog and etsy store address on the back. They are so cute! I shared them with everyone at work and already have the whole digital department interested and then the rest of the crafty chicas.
I think I’m going to order another batch with Baby Girl and use them for New Year’s cards.
the big snow at night
The Boy
My fabulous Boy is back-up and running as the photographer for our ski company’s website. It’s super fun because it makes him get out on the mountain at least twice a week (if not more) and they post his shots on the SkiCo webpage. He also got to shoot The English Beat Saturday night for the opening weekend concert. Baby Girl and I went to the show – they were fabulous!
holiday cooking
Baby Girl and I made the Molasses Spice Cookies from the Cook’s Illustrated Holiday Baking edition. I like molasses cookies enough…but these cookies are fabulous. I followed the directions pretty closely (which I’m not always prone to do) and they came out pretty perfect.
I’m also in love with these little clear bags. I think they’re made by Wilton’s (like from Michael’s). They make everything look cute and holiday-y.
Biggest Thanksgiving Sand Castle
We spent Thanksgiving in Chicago with family. Baby GIrl had a great time playing with everyone. It was one of the warmest Thanksgivings. We had to wear coats, but we could play at the beach and make sand castles (a really uncommon event for late November). I don’t think I ever made sand castles as a kid so it’s been great fun with Baby Girl.
really working on books
My crafty business partner in crime – Linda – took some pictures of me when we were cutting book covers. We get really thick archival chip board – which I do love – but is very hard to cut by hand. We have the advantage of having access to a sculpture studio at work. We take the book board there and cut it on the sheet metal cutter. It gets done really fast!
new felt sock bags
I’m in love with my new bags – I admit it! I like my regular sock bags – a lot – but they didn’t feel seasonal. And winter has definitely settled into Colorado.
I bought a ton of wool felt last month to make creatures, but I haven’t felt (ooo, not a punny person) very motivated.
I got very excited when it occurred to me to make some bags out of felt. The felt makes for such a great canvas to play with other fabrics.
I made three and then sold one at work. My etsy store sold out of regular sock bags about two weeks ago, so I’m going to try and get some felt bags made for etsy and see how they do…
Leif Aboard!
My Yarn Aboard! box – Leif Eriksson – tried to fly out the morning we got 12″ of snow. Leif spent the day sledding with us. The sun came out for a gorgeous afternoon of playing in the snow.
I’m not a very still person. Maybe most crafty people aren’t.
For The Boy’s birthday this year we got him an aquarium for his office – a little company, a little humidity. I thought I would just go to the store, buy a tank, buy some fish and plug it in. I did’t know that it takes weeks to set-up an aquarium waiting for all of the balances and cycles to settle in – weeks until you can even buy a couple of fish.
Now though, after a few months we have a nice happy tank and I was surprised to find that I love it. I love watching the fish. Sometimes they’re peaceful, sometimes they play tag. Watching the fish is a real mental break that I never expected.
working the ideas
almost there
Baby Girl and I were the glitter queens – or the queen and the princess. She was in love with the big bowl of glitter. I’ve never owned so much glitter in my life. She picked her ornament first…I think she made a pretty good choice.
Each snowball ornament is definitely unique. I think in the end I’ll use a red ribbon and tag. I hope my swap partners realize that there will be just a little bit of glitter – everywhere…
one year, 104 posts…
– complete acceptance – even happiness – of using a store bought crust (instead of making my own) if that means actually having pie
– understanding that crafting comes in waves – waiting for the big ones and treading through some little ones to keep my mind happy
– finding any means necessary to get a photo – actual camera, camera phone, scanner, getting someone else to take a picture (even if it means harassing my professional photographer husband to the point of getting the ‘marge’ noise made at me to get the picture)
– hoping my family is reading to stay in touch and up to date when life gets too hectic to use the camera phone to make a phone call
– realizing that swaps make the best motivators and that there is often good crafting mojo after that
– complete appreciation for knitters – it takes so much longer then anything else i do (understanding that there probably won’t ever be handknit christmas or channukah gifts and that those may come at times when there aren’t…hmmm…19 people thinking maybe they’ll get the handknit gift)
– loving selling in the online world (the sweetest customers and the best hours)
– an amazing record of the things i’ve made (sometimes it feels like there has been no crafting, but i have this blog that tells me otherwise)
– and a new world full of remarkable people and inspiration (really – competition may be my best motivator!)
more WIP
ornaments in progress
a lovely shot of my holiday ornament swap project in progress – in the guest bath. the reality of craft is that it isn’t always happening in a lovely studio, at an organized craft table with ikea products everywhere – or better yet perfectly placed and color coordinated vintage items – the bathroom is the best spot for a mom, baby, lots of string and too much glue…
yarn aboard!
There is no mail delivery where we live – we all have PO Boxes. So we try to get to the post office every couple days. Mail is always exciting, but a key in your box is the best. A key means there is a package that won’t fit in with your regular mail…yesterday – I got my key!
My Yarn Aboard! package arrived from Jennie in Virginia. The box was so stuffed with goodies there was one rubberband around the box – and one that couldn’t take the pressure – broken in the bottom of the box.
Jennie sent the most fabulous box with a wonderful note explaning the treats – I definitely feel spoiled! To begin with she sent Vesper sock yarn – a real treat I hadn’t spoiled myself with yet. Jennie also sent yarn from J. Knits – a beautiful blue I can’t wait to try. The other amazing gifts included monogrammed note cards, japanese tea, dark chocolate, vintage gift tags and beautiful soap (from Virginia, New York and Philadelphia – and I thought we traveled a lot). Thank you Jennie! I should get back to knitting…
and Thank you Amanda for creating a wonderful swap! (now…what should my box do while it’s visiting…hmmm?)
cool new photo toy
61/2 stitches posted about today – how cool! They’ll take your flickr pics and turn them into 100 unique business type card for $20 bucks – how fabulous is that?
amazing paper artist
Paper Forest just posted about the most amazing paper artist – Su Blackwell. I just think this piece is beautiful. I’ve been working with paper for years now, but I’ve always had trouble making the leap from practical use to ornamental sculpture.