There is no mail delivery where we live – we all have PO Boxes. So we try to get to the post office every couple days. Mail is always exciting, but a key in your box is the best. A key means there is a package that won’t fit in with your regular mail…yesterday – I got my key!
My Yarn Aboard! package arrived from Jennie in Virginia. The box was so stuffed with goodies there was one rubberband around the box – and one that couldn’t take the pressure – broken in the bottom of the box.
Jennie sent the most fabulous box with a wonderful note explaning the treats – I definitely feel spoiled! To begin with she sent Vesper sock yarn – a real treat I hadn’t spoiled myself with yet. Jennie also sent yarn from J. Knits – a beautiful blue I can’t wait to try. The other amazing gifts included monogrammed note cards, japanese tea, dark chocolate, vintage gift tags and beautiful soap (from Virginia, New York and Philadelphia – and I thought we traveled a lot). Thank you Jennie! I should get back to knitting…
and Thank you Amanda for creating a wonderful swap! (now…what should my box do while it’s visiting…hmmm?)