Monthly Archives: October 2006

halloween – boo!

Happy Halloween!

We made this incredibly cute banner for our pumpkin carving party last weekend. Jenny from allsorts posted this idea and fabulous alphabet so we made one. I just love it!

We had a fun little halloween party for Baby Girl and a few of her friends. It’s a great motivator to decorate (and clean) the house. Target has so much cute halloween stuff this year. We bought more then our share.

And here’s a close-up of my favorite blue pumpkin…

(ooo – and should I comment on how long it’s been since I posted? I thought it had been a week, maybe two… I thought September was short…)

new skills

I’ve been trying to learn how to knit two socks at once on two circulars. Everyone else seems to be able to do it and there’s nothing like a little competitive nature to keep me motivated.

Somehow I kept finding it so difficult and messy until I found the magic cast on for toe up on Knitty by Judy Becker. Starting from that point made it all seem easy and possible. I even emailed Judy a question and she was so nice and helpful. So now I’m working on her Tangled up in Blue sock pattern.

Look at that cute little toe…

small surprises

The Boy surprised me with Craft: today! I am so excited. I wasn’t sure when I would get it. It is so full – fat with craft and ideas and things to do – it will take me a long time to get through it.

we’ve got bears…

A black bear has been hanging out across the way from our house for the past week or so…so, I watch with the binoculars and The Boy goes over and I tell him where the bear is going. Last night he got a good pic of the bear…