Author Archives: jennifer


Tilly chose Dolly for a ride at the Rock Bottom Ranch Harvest Festival today. The horse was so beautiful and Tilly beamed the whole time she was up there. The festival itself was just fabulous – with pumpkin carving, lunch, music and maybe the most beautiful fall day ever…



so when i started knitting this fall – hoping to actually make some gifts this year I didn't know I'd stick with it…but there has been
knitting progress!

this piece is actually done – as far as the knitting goes. it need a few things, like stuffing, but i'll get to that.

there will be some finished project pics at some point, but that will have to wait as this is a gift (although some are too little to surf!).


i think i might have the most beautiful pumpkins. it only took three pumpkins patches (maybe four) to find some non-traditional orange pumpkins. with heirloom tomatoes so much in vogue i thought finding 'other' pumpkins would be easy. we did buy 3 'regular' pumpkins – plus the two we already had. and then we picked out a 'cinderella', a 'lumina' and a 'jarrahdale' – the blue one – my favorite!