Tag Archives: tilly

dress rehearsal

tilly's first recital is tonight – her ballet company is putting on 'alice in wonderland' for the spring recital. there are about 175 ballerinas in the performance. pretty amazing. yesterday was dress rehearsal and tilly and kendall got to wear their costumes for the first time – they were so excited!

getting closer…

tilly's birthday is now just a week away. and her birthday trip with her friends is in two days!

i finished their little goodie bags tonight. they are made out of terrycloth with blue cording straps and monograms and silk flowers. i think they turned out pretty cute. the girls really enjoy getting to fill them with treats over the day.

so close…

tilly's birthday is closer then i think. we should do something about this…

first – we are sewing small terry cloth (read: spa-like) backpacks for her and two girlfriends for this year's birthday day trip. they will come equipped with a few girly spa-like items: lip gloss, body glitter and a travel hair brush with built-in mirror. tilly picked out the items today and was so certain these were the right items that i had to let go of any ideas i had.

the contents did lead to a cute idea for their little travel bags for the day. i hope they are as cute when they are done.

there hasn't been a lot of general craftiness since web design took over my life so girly birthday crafting will fill the spot!


so tilly's gardening grandpa commented about transplanting…well since we really don't know what we are doing, we've already moved the seeds into those little pellets because i wasn't sure how to keep everything growing without being able to move them outside.

honestly – tilly's pretty lucky i haven't killed everything already.

clockwise from the upper left we've got – morning glories, cucumbers, carrots, green beans, a mix of extra seeds and (last to come – in the dark corner) tomatoes.

cross your fingers!

almost 5…

it's been such a slow spring here.

we had a record season of snow, so as soon as it gets kind of sunny and kind of warm these days everyone in the neighborhood plays outside (and we've been trying to sneak in flip flops for a month!).

so, with tilly's 5th birthday just over 2 weeks away, and a nice weekend, we went and bought her birthday present early. she rode her friends 'big girl' bikes some last summer, but she was so excited to get her own bike this weekend.

(psst…it's a video)

two months later…

so i realized that it has been forever since i was blogging. and i might have let it go – but i also realize it is the only place i really keep track of the things that tilly does. so if i ever wanted to know – say when she first skied down from the top of the mountain (last saturday!) i would have trouble remembering except that sometimes i write those things in a post.

the details – because they are amazing to me – Tilly dropped about 4,000 feet on Saturday from the Elk Camp lift – down Bull Run, to Funnel Bypass, to Funnel, to Assay, and skied the trail home! at 4! so incredible!

nice day

well…it was warm enough at least. Tilly really wanted the outdoor pool so we swam there this afternoon. We would run from the regular pool to the hot tub – get too hot – run back – get cool – run back. It was fun. We really love our pool. 


(such the late post)

Tilly had an awesome Halloween! She ran from house to house trick-or-treating, barely caring about where we were except to give us a candy report about what she got.

Our only problem is that she's so polite – she only takes 1 piece of candy from any house. It takes a long time to fill a halloween bucket big enough for her and me!

fabulous fall day

it was windy and grey today with a winter storm warning in effect (there's about 2" on the deck right now). there's something about spending all day outside 2 miles from your car with the weather blowing and spinning around you that makes you feel like you got away with something when you get home and you're still dry and you had a great time.

we wanted to go to a pumpkin festival at Rock Bottom Ranch in Leon (Basalt). they have very little parking so we drove our car, with bikes on the back, to Catherine Store. then we rode the Rio Grande Trail to the little eco ranch.

We carved pumpkins, helped make apple cider, had a great lunch, tilly rode a giant horse with her cubs hat on and best of all chased chickens. tilly's so great and gentle though that she got to pet the chickens and the giant turkey. 

first snowman

here's another picture from the snowstorm. the kids are so fun during these first snows. tilly sledded all day at school and as soon as she got home she wanted to go back out into the snow and build a snowman. it's only tough here because are snow doesn't really pack together (which makes it outstanding for skiing and snowboarding!)

growing child

tilly hasn't been interested in drawing with me for a long time. i try not to get on her case about it.

at the doctor's office two weeks ago she drew a man for the nurse (upside down so it would be facing the nurse).

then last week her best friend taught her how to draw flowers, suns, oceans, etc…and suddenly she is a drawing fanatic.

she's been into tracing – especially letters – for a while now.

but last night while we were working on a project together, she asked me for a piece of paper from a Paper Source bag and left the room we were in. i didn't think much about it, but when i walked into the living room she had written 'paper source' just from looking at the package. maybe normal, i have no idea, i thought this was amazing!

fall walk

we had tilly's best friend over this afternoon. i took the girls for a walk – which meant dressing up of course. they looked fabulous out in the sun on this gorgeous fall day.

they love each other so much. it's fun to be able to watch two little humans become such good friends and the ways the play.

the leaves fell off the trees this week.

i see that i haven't posted in a while. suddenly the fall is moving fast – and it's been a beautiful long warm fall. around here though we are waiting for the snow.

usually its quiet here in the off season. not this year though. i think the warm weather has kept everyone moving.

halloween crafting

Halloween is a pretty big deal around our house. Tilly loves deciding on her costume, we love the decorations and it just has to be the best kids holiday. No toys expected, buckets of candy and days of playing dress-up in public.

We went to Michael's this weekend and we picked out the 'glitter bones' project from Martha Stewart. It's like she knows my kid – there is little Tilly likes more than body stuff and crafty glitter stuff – combining the two is a dream come true.

It's kind of a messy project – since glitter never really goes away. She's been pretty patient about waiting for me to do it with her. And the finished pieces are looking great.

We're going to use some of the smaller bones in invitations for our halloween party. I'll have to see if the post office will hand cancel…?