Category Archives: Uncategorized


so tilly's gardening grandpa commented about transplanting…well since we really don't know what we are doing, we've already moved the seeds into those little pellets because i wasn't sure how to keep everything growing without being able to move them outside.

honestly – tilly's pretty lucky i haven't killed everything already.

clockwise from the upper left we've got – morning glories, cucumbers, carrots, green beans, a mix of extra seeds and (last to come – in the dark corner) tomatoes.

cross your fingers!

thinking spring…

while we've been hoping for warm weather and some grass in the yard (it's still snowy) – tilly asked if we could grow some plants – veggies – have a little garden. well – honestly – i have killed every plant or flower i have ever bought (I have two hanging on for dear life in the house right now). But – let's try anyways!

so we bought some seeds and we have them in baggies on the windows. and you know what – we've got some sprouts!

almost 5…

it's been such a slow spring here.

we had a record season of snow, so as soon as it gets kind of sunny and kind of warm these days everyone in the neighborhood plays outside (and we've been trying to sneak in flip flops for a month!).

so, with tilly's 5th birthday just over 2 weeks away, and a nice weekend, we went and bought her birthday present early. she rode her friends 'big girl' bikes some last summer, but she was so excited to get her own bike this weekend.

(psst…it's a video)

two months later…

so i realized that it has been forever since i was blogging. and i might have let it go – but i also realize it is the only place i really keep track of the things that tilly does. so if i ever wanted to know – say when she first skied down from the top of the mountain (last saturday!) i would have trouble remembering except that sometimes i write those things in a post.

the details – because they are amazing to me – Tilly dropped about 4,000 feet on Saturday from the Elk Camp lift – down Bull Run, to Funnel Bypass, to Funnel, to Assay, and skied the trail home! at 4! so incredible!

baking all the time

as far as i can tell – nigella is the premier baker in blogland. it seems that she comes up everywhere.

i got my first nigella cookbooks over the holidays. i love it!

the recipes are fabulous and incredibly do-able.

she has quick recipes ( i made muffins 30 minutes before friends came over and the cinnamon rolls from the previous post in an hour). and she has longer recipes that look absolutely stunning.

i can't wait to make everything!

(her 'as if i'm speaking to you' writing style is pretty entertaining too!)

best new toy

jeremy is the best gift giver – this is just one of the truest facts of my life.

so for the first night he gave me a flip video camera. i love it. everyone should get one. as all of tilly's grandparents know – whether they want to or not – it has changed our lives.

it is so small and so easy to use that for the first time i really enjoy making little videos (i could probably get better at the 'little' and be a harsher editor).