Category Archives: Uncategorized

my little painted pony

Baby Girl picked out this pony from the face painting lady the other day. I watched her paint. Baby Girl was so happy – she looked beautiful.

When I was little my Dad and Stepmom took me to a festival where I had a purple and white unicorn painted on my face. In my memory it was beautifully painted, took forever and probably cost a fortune.

It didn’t take this lady very long to paint Baby Girl’s pony the other night (and it was just a few dollars). I wonder what the unicorn on my face looked like really? Our childhood memories often seem so different when we get a chance to view them again as adults.

This week

Gallery end wall, originally uploaded by cafe crafty.

We are preparing for our biggest fundraiser of the year at work – our annual auction. So I spent this week installing art into the main gallery. We don’t usually have so much big work, but when it comes to the auction preview we always have to overfill the walls – salon style. I really like it. It feels pretty good at the end of the week to have such an easy view of what I’ve accomplished.

Sunday at the Music Festival

Sunday at the Music Festival, originally uploaded by cafe crafty.

This past Sunday we went to the Aspen Music Festival 4pm concert. They open the baffles on the tent and everyone picnics on the lawn. We had a lovely time and wonderful food (thanks to The Boy!). The concert was just perfect – the lawn crowd was very quiet and the pieces were just right – you could hear everything. We had fresh made Peach Sorbet from Jeff’s stand – it was fabulous! Baby Girl did give me a look for harassing her with the camera (even though she’s in my chair).

My Knitted Box

I’m pleased to post my first pattern and show-off my new design.

I created a new banner for cafe crafty and a new color scheme. I don’t think I’m done playing with it yet (it’s pretty fun to do!). But I think it looks pretty cute now.

And – I’m posting a pattern for a little felted box. I started making them this winter to put gifts in. I didn’t see a pattern anywhere so I thought I would write it up. They’re really simple to make and there are million ways to decorate them. It’s a great way to show off cute buttons too when you only have a few (or even one).

Click here for a printable version of the pattern.

the rain settles in

It didn’t rain for a month – so we didn’t have any fireworks for the 4th of July. (We had a lovely parade though!)

It has rained everyday since then and this morning was only 48 degrees at 9am. The mountains are beautiful covered in clouds (there’s usually a big mountain at the head of the valley that is completely covered right now).

The weather almost makes me want to knit. Baby Girl is asleep and the house is quiet so I picked up a tiny project I started forever ago. I’m even thinking that if I really wanted to knit presents for people this year (in December!) I could almost start to think about what those are now. I feel like a little old lady – but maybe I’m ok with that.

lucky girl

Thank you all for your comments and ideas. A needle would help, or maybe a tougher machine…or better yet – a husband who spoils me! After my sad night and sad post The Boy surprised me today with a new bag from Oilily! Yea!

summer crafting

So, I’ve really wanted a cute bag for the summer that was practical and adorable – carry everything and look good. A friend at a meeting the other day had a cute magazine type bag out of oilcloth. I have a couple extra yards of oilcloth so I got all excited that I could make a ‘better’ bag out of oilcloth – more room, pockets, etc… So that was this weekends adventure – except that my sewing machine can’t sew more then two layers of oilcloth together – so once I had the lining and the handles – oy! broke my last needle and put a million holes into the fabric…I’m not sure where to go from here…

Most generous back-tack

Stuff closer, originally uploaded by cafe crafty.

Sherry made me the msot beautiful wee buny and included so much otehr stuff – I feel so spoiled. The bunny is so cool – wth a Mizrahi tummy, a magnet ‘j’, and beautiful hand-stitched ears. She also sent ‘Runaway Bunny’ for Baby Girl and I to read and a ton of knitting stuff! Including handmade stitch markers – oh! and a beautiful hand-wired bracelet. All in black and white – so stylish. Thank you!!! I have a ton more photos on flickr.

color week – tuesday


one of the most beautiful brown objects in our house – my husband’s original wooden rocking horse from when he was little. my mother-in-law saved it all these years for when he had a little one of his own and now baby girl loves to be a cowgirl.

(from little birds and port2port)

color week

i loved watching the last week of color, so when i saw that little birds and port2port were announcing another one i thought i would participate…

even though this world is usually one of fabric and paper and other crafty, often softie things – when i saw that the first day was white I had to take a picture of my two favorite techie toys – my nabaztag, snowbunnie, and my new nintendo ds lite – i’m a sucker for brain age!

the back-tack i made

So, of the three patterns to choose from I selected the pointy kitty. I made her a little mouse to play with. My swap partner – Jenny at blempgorf has already named them Penelope and Petunia.

For the ‘initial’ requirement I embroidered a heart like the old raggedy ann dolls and satin stitched jenny’s ‘j’. And for the ‘button’ requirements I gave kitty a belly button and dancing feet! I stitched a button to each foot so if she’s played with she makes a cute noise as she walks. (I have to give the boy credit for that idea.)

more bags

it feels like forever since i’ve posted – and i’ve been busy!

i made a whole group of new sock bags. most were ordered before i even made them so i haven’t updated the store. i’m really happy with this batch though.

tomorrow i’ll post my back-tack kitty!


Walking to work today I was amazed to find some poppies already in bloom – I love summer!

The sun here is so intense. It’s already really hot when I’m out walking and it’s not even July – and it never gets that hot.

I noticed that I haven’t touched any yarn in awhile. I have trouble seeing knitting as a summer activity.

More poppies – I love when the blooms aren’t open yet and they have these cute little raindrop buds waiting to be flowers.


I’ve been away – literally…

We’ve been in Illinois for six days visiting grandparents for Baby Girl’s 3rd Birthday.

It has been overcast and rained everyday.

The rows, upon rows, upon rows of corn sprouts are beautiful. So calming and peaceful in their order and freshness. (I would show a picture but, oh, the rain!)

Above – Baby Girl inside a giant John Deere combine wheel.