Monthly Archives: November 2006

new swap

i think i’m going to participate in two holiday craft shows – the same weekend, with no current inventory – so with all the crafting about to happen i joined cake + pie’s ornament swap (also the same weekend). this might mean the end to any handmade gifts (maybe they’ll be birthday socks this year).

like starting in kindergarten

…admittedly I’ve been crafting less as I’ve been learning HTML and web design more. I’ve really enjoyed learning something new – and a new way to use color and my sense of design. Since I have no intention of going back to school for this I’m using every resource I can to learn. Digg featured a great article from Mark Boulton last week on designing with color that I think is useful across many media. And the more I’ve read Mark’s blog the more amazing design articles I find. He is an excellent designer, a concise writer and good teacher.