Tag Archives: web design

two sites

I had two sites go live today. Both still a bit in progress, but sometimes it gets easier to work with the real thing.

Sam Wiener is an artist from New York who had a residency at Anderson Ranch years ago.He was visiting this summer and we started work on his website.

The other site is Jeremy's. He hasn't even really looked through it yet, but he needed to have a website up. He was lucky enough to have Men's Journal and Qantas airlines contact him the past couple weeks without there really being a way to find him. It still has some tweaks to work out, but  I think it looks good!

2nd full site

ShineLineProductions is the company of Frank Shine – a local filmmaker who travels the world making ski movies, etc..
so the site's really maybe at 90% – we have a few tweaks to go, but it's really exciting. i've been working on this site since before i officially started at freelance (but we've had video compression, loading problems) but the site is in pretty good shape now. 

first full site!

It's funny how it happened without a lot of fanfare…

Last week I launched my first real site. It's been in the works forever and we finally got to a place where we realized we would keep updating and no one would ever see it if we didn't make it live.

So the 212 Gallery website is up and running for public consumption.

It was very collaborative – the head of the gallery has such a vision that we worked very hard together to come up with something pretty amazing (I think!).

It's been an exciting summer!